Hiring a mobile bartender for your event in Chicago can be stressful but with these easy tips, we guarantee you will save yourself time, money and hire the right company for your private event in Chicago.
As veterans in the event industry, we've seen it all. The wrong vendors for your event can easily ruin the atmosphere. With mobile bars becoming a priority for hosts to hire for their event, here are some tips you can take to make sure you hire the right one that will make your event memorable.
#1 - Look at their reviews ALWAYS
Do not skimp out on looking at the mobile bar reviews online. You can find them on Google or other platforms they are listed on. ALSO, make sure they are vetted and verified reviews. It's not uncommon in our industry to have fake reviews. Make sure the reviews are on a trusted platform. We recommend googling "mobile bartender reviews in Illinois" or "mobile bar reviews in Chicago". From there a list of all the mobile bars listed on Google should come up.
#2- Check to see if their aesthetic matches your events' aesthetic
We've seen the most loveliest mobile bars pop up across Illinois with different bars, cute set-ups, cool employee outfits, etc. However, every event is different. Maybe your private event style is more feminine so you need a mobile bar who offers a cute, sleek bar rental! Or maybe your event is more laid back, so you're looking for a standard black bar. Check out to see if their aesthetic matches yours. You can usually do a quick check by checking out their social media profiles or their website.
Tip #3 - The most affordable mobile bartender can come with cost at times...
Sometimes hosts want to hire the lowest cost option to save money (which is understandable!). Here's the problem we've noticed..... hiring the "cheapest" sometimes comes with a hefty cost. Sometimes the cost is lower because the person is new to industry. There have been countless times where we were asked if we can help at events because the most "affordable" bartender they hired cancelled on them the day before. It's not uncommon. Of course, this isn't always the case but is extremely common.
Tip #4 - If your event planner is suggesting a specific mobile bar... listen to them.
Event planners have seen it all. If your event planner has done hundreds of events, chances are they know who are the best vendors. They will recommend the mobile bars in Illinois that they know will deliver, fit your event style and budget, and will make it memorable. Event planners truly want what is best for you from what they have seen it their events. They've seen what's been tried and tested.
We hope these tips help you find the best mobile bartender for your private event in Chicago! Maybe, you've stumbled across our website via Google and you are considering hiring Wee Mixed for your next private event. Let's talk to see if we are a right match. We travel all across Illinois not just Chicago. Even if we don't work together, we know these tips will save you time and help you find your perfect match for your private event.